After Care Instructions

To prevent infection and color loss, it is very important to follow these instructions after you receive your tattoo.

Instructions for: Non-adhesive, Absorbent bandage secured with plastic wrap and tape:

-Leave bandage on over night

-Remove bandage carefully (saturate bandage with warm water if necessary to remove without pulling on the skin).

-For the first 3 days after receiving the tattoo, gently clean the tattooed area with unscented, antibacterial Dial soap and then apply a small amount of Aquaphor ointment (just enough to cover the area). Do this 3 times each day for the first 3 days.

-To minimize infection and loss of color, it is very important to keep the tattooed area clean while healing, including keeping away dust, pet hair, lint, and other foreign particles that may cause an infection.

-Only use the Aquaphor for 3 days. After that, and for the remainder of the healing process (about 2 weeks), continue to clean the area with Dial soap and use a thin layer of any brand of unscented lotion as needed to keep the tattoo moisturized.

-It is very common to experience slight swelling, redness, and soreness at the tattoo site for several days after the tattoo has been applied.

-Around the time you stop using the Aquaphor ointment, the tattoo will generally dry out, scab, and flake. This is normal. Be sure to keep the area clean and moisturized.

-Never scratch, pick, or pull off a scab. This will cause the color to come out of the tattoo.

-For at least 2 weeks, or until the tattoo is completely healed: DO NOT submerge or soak the tattooed area (showers are fine of course, but no swimming or soaking in the bath); keep your tattoo out of the sun and absolutely no tanning beds or spray tanning; keep all scented soaps and lotions out of the tattooed area. Use only unscented products while your tattoo is healing.

Instructions for: Clear Adhesive Bandage (Sani-Derm, Derm Shield, etc):

-Leave bandage on for 4-6 days

-After 4-6 days, remove bandage carefully (saturate bandage with warm water if necessary to remove without pulling on the skin).

-Clean tattoo with unscented, antibacterial soap daily until fully healed

-Apply a thin layer of unscented lotion to tattoo daily (as needed) until fully healed

-If scabs appear: Wash area with unscented, antibacterial soap; then apply a very thin layer of Aquaphor to the scabbed area. Repeat daily until scabs are gone.

-Never scratch, pick, or pull off a scab. This will cause the color to come out of the tattoo.

-For at least 2 weeks, or until the tattoo is completely healed: DO NOT submerge or soak the tattooed area (showers are fine of course, but no swimming or soaking in the bath); keep your tattoo out of the sun and absolutely no tanning beds or spray tanning; keep all scented soaps and lotions out of the tattooed area. Use only unscented products while your tattoo is healing.

Consult a physician if signs and symptoms of infection occur, such as: fever, excessive swelling, excessive redness, or drainage.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me: or (502) 762-7225